WarningMany plugins and themes are contributed by the community. They are not maintained by Hexo organization. Hexo organization does not guarantee their availability and security.
A beautiful and comprehensive responsive theme. The goal is to achieve as many functionalities as possible
A theme inspired by Chiangmai City
A cool ,simple & beautiful theme
A simple, elegant, book-like hexo theme with some useful features.
A simple but powerful theme for Hexo.
A beautiful & simple theme.
A modfy clean blog theme with more feature
A fun, concise, and generous Hexo theme.
A light and clean theme
Acorn is a Hexo theme for small to medium sized businesses or studios.
Three sections, simple and convenient, like evernote
Clean and Bright Theme with cute icons
A simple and pure template
A beautiful hexo theme
A brand new Lengux theme for Hexo.
A light, paper-like theme for writing and reading.
A material design theme, with dark mode. Suitable for PC & Phone
A simple Twitter Bootstrap blog theme
A fast theme with light color
A dark theme
A minimal, elegant hexo theme.
Beautiful, responsive e-commerce theme with built-in cart functionality
Clean, elegant and beautiful Theme with optimized SEO
Full featured, visual blog
Another minimal theme
A simple theme. I hope I can maintain for a long time
A cute and bright hexo theme suitable for literary creation ( e.g. serial novel, fanfiction ).
A support qiniu image cdn , simple responsive theme
A simple, lightweight Hexo theme.
A simple single-column theme for Hexo.
Keep Calm, Light and Writing, using Vue.js and Typescript
A simple theme
Hexo theme for artist & photographer showing their work
Ocean is a mobile-enabled theme based on the features in theme landscape
A Simple and Fast Theme for Hexo
A simple hexo theme based on Anatole.
The light version of Cactus Dark, a responsive, light and simple theme for a personal webpage
A boostrap blog theme
A brand new theme for Hexo.
Noise description that no one should read
A simple, delicate, and modern theme
A beautiful theme with material design and responsive design
A beautiful and clean theme, with station search and easy comment
A real simple theme
A Simple and Card UI Design theme for Hexo
A simple theme named Nlvi
MegaBolD is a powerful magazine theme for hexo.
A futuristic responsive theme
A dark theme
The next generation of the hexo default theme Landscape.
A Clean and Beautiful Theme for Hexo, also responsive.
A simple and beautiful Hexo resume theme.
This is Hexo Theme with a beautiful style design form KeenThemes adapted to hexo by Molavec.
A Chinese antiquity theme
A theme based on the Zurb Foundation 5 theme
A simple theme with simple design (card/flow) and simple functions (home/archive)
A dark , pixel art theme for Hexo.
A super simple and elegant theme
A free magazine and blog style theme
A special yellow Hexo theme, hope you'd like the color and the cute animation.
A clean theme
A simple page for academic websites on Hexo.
A responsive, clean and simple theme for a personal webpage
A simple template using mono font for Hexo.
An undoubtedly simple and lightweight dark/light mode theme
HEXO-Dearmsdan The theme is in a dark color, It gives people a sense of emptiness
A beautiful read
A new debonaire theme
A lean and elegant Theme with optimized SEO (Ported)
A classy theme for Hexo for academia + blogging.
A concise theme based on Single for Hexo.
A dream hexo theme for developers.
A responsive simple theme
A white version of Cactus Dark, responsive, clean and simple theme for a personal webpage
A pure, simple, white, and responsive theme, it's integrated some Chinese local third services, such as Baidu statistics, duoshuo, etc
Futuristic auroral Hexo theme.
A simple theme inspired by Wordpress theme Hacker
Yet another material design theme
A refreshing theme
Harbor is dark & futuristic hexo theme.
An elegant and light theme
A clean materialize css theme with home page layout different than the other pages
Inspired by Wordpress theme Twentytwelve