WarningMany plugins and themes are contributed by the community. They are not maintained by Hexo organization. Hexo organization does not guarantee their availability and security.
Hexo site initializer.
Package manager for Hexo.
auto create one and only link for every post for hexo
zero based auto-incrementing permalink
Create one and only link for every different layouts for hexo
Convert relative path to absolute URL for hexo
An plugin for adding current post link in hexo post page.
Edit your content in style with this integrating blogging environment.
hexo-admin enhanced version for image uploading/inserting with picker.
Add block-styled admonition to hexo. | Hexo内容辅助插件,支持向文档中添加如提示、警告、错误等块式内容。
Index posts and contents in [Algolia](https://www.algolia.com/) and offer a blazing fast search experience to your users.
A plugin to index posts of your Hexo blog on Algolia
Minifier & Optimization plugin for Hexo, include HTML, CSS, JS and Image.
A Hexo plugin to enable Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity.
Asset path format, fix original markdown image path when enabling post_asset_folder
A hexo plugin to minify/optimize HTML, CSS, JS and images. Supports revisioning of assets.
Asset path format, fix original markdown image path when enabling post_asset_folder.support typora editor copy/paste image.
seamlessly automates the backup process for your Hexo data, encompassing posts, drafts, pages, and theme files, ensuring local and cloud drive storage.
A generator automatically make canonical link for hexo.
Generates categories automatically by folder name
Auto excerpt plugin for hexo. No need to manually add tag.
hexo plug auto publish articles to github issue.
This plugin for Hexo can automatically detects broken links.
Automatically assigns relevant predefined tags to your posts based on their content with the power of GPT-3.
Automatically create HTML links from URLs, emails, Twitter handles and more.
Adds nofollow attribute to all external links in your hexo blog posts automatically.
Autoprefixer plugin for Hexo.
Azure Search support for Hexo.
A plugin to compile JS for Hexo, using Babel.
A hexo plugin, using Baidu JS automatic link push method, submit links to Baidu
Hexo plugin to submit URLs of new posts to Baidu search engine
Display bangumi gallery in hexo. Support bgm.tv and myanimelist.net | 在 Hexo 中添加番剧页面,支持 bgm.tv 和 myanimelist.net
Generate pages of bangumis for Hexo, support bgm.tv | Hexo 番剧页面插件,数据源 bgm.tv
Generate pages of bangumis for Hexo, support Bilibili and Bangumi sources. | 为 Hexo 添加番剧页面,支持哔哩哔哩和 Bangumi 源。
Insert a bilibili card into your page or article.
Binary Pagination plugin for hexo. Use 1,2,4,8,16 instead of 1,2,3,4,5.
Render blockquotes to note tags of NexT theme
Yet, another blog encrypt plugin for hexo.
A simple and easy-to-use free blog like plugin.一个简洁好用的免费博客点赞插件。
Import exported articles from blogger (migrate blogger to hexo)
Show latest articles of your favorite blogs
A Hexo plugin that automatically publishes your newest blog post to Bluesky whenever you generate your site with the --bluesky flag—giving you full control over when updates get posted.
Generate breadcrumb navigation with microdata markup.
Admin panel for your website. Features: edit posts and pages, file manager, website settings editor, theme and plugin discovery.
Broken links checker for Hexo static site generator.
Automatically reloads the browser when files are modified while the hexo-server is running.
BrowserSync plugin for Hexo.
Add statistical charts, radar charts, and histograms to beautify any page of your Hexo website.
Insert a calendar like Github contributions into your blog. | 在博客中插入类似 Github contributions 的活动日历。
Hexo tag to embed code snippet from caniuse.
Set canonical link for pages, with support for external links.
Converts local URLs to CDN ones when hexo generator.
Hexo tag to add an image from Cloudinary using Cloudinary SDK.
Minify CSS files with clean-css.
Command line interface for Hexo.
Unofficial CLI plugin for convenient editing, renaming, deleting, isolating and integrating posts and pages from the command line.
Hexo tag to add an image from Cloudinary - with srcset support.
A better version of hexo-tag-codepen with a valid HTML.
An even better version of hexo-codepen.
A hexo plugin to run code via coliru.
Parse movies Collaps CDN
Renders an MDN compatibility table on your hexo page.
A command-line tool to help publish Hexo articles on Zhihu.
It helps to use foldable and non-foldable content blocks with styles.
Microbrowser covers for Hexo static site generator so you'll have compelling webpage preview while sharing the link via iMessage, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook and others.
Add critical css to your HTML for faster rendering pages.
A Hexo plugin that allows the default Markdown source files to be used as custom fields.
Plugin helps to sort posts by required fields
only minify html js css changed this time, fastest minifier
Display d2 diagrams in hexo.
Using d3-cloud to generate tagcloud for Hexo.
Generates daily morning news articles
Aliyun deployer plugin of Hexo.
Ansible deployer plugin for Hexo.
Clodui (clodui.com) deployer plugin for Hexo
Tencent Cloud Object Storage (COS) plugin of Hexo.
Deploy Hexo to Aliyun OSS, Tencent COS, etc. and purge the CDN cache | 将博客发布到腾讯、阿里等云对象存储并刷新CDN缓存
Google Firebase Deployer for Hexo.
FTP deployer for Hexo.
Forge (getforge.com) deployer for Hexo.
Git deployer plugin for Hexo.
Heroku deployer for Hexo.
Huaweicloud obs deployer plugin of Hexo.
this is plugin for hexo to deploy static sites to ipfs network.
Netlify (netlify.com) deployer plugin for Hexo
OpenShift deployer for Hexo.
Pinata and IPFS deployer for Hexo.
A deployment plugin that uses Pulumi to publish to Amazon S3.
Qiniu Cloud deployer plugin of Hexo.
RSS3 deployer plugin for Hexo
Rsync deployer plugin for Hexo.
Amazon S3 deployer plugin for Hexo.
Amazon S3 and Cloudfront deployer plugin for Hexo.
Qiniu S3 deployer plugin for Hexo.
Use your own shell command to deploy hexo.
Tencent CloudBase (TCB) plugin of Hexo.
UPYUN deployer for Hexo.
hexo deployer to upyun and purge cache
Auto use post excerpt as description.
Automatically add category to Hexo article according to the article file directory.
Auto detect accessibility of disqus comments for Chinese users and proxy disqus if needed (解决Disuqs不能访问的代理插件)
Generate douban pages of books and movies for Hexo.
generate a douban book(movie/music) card in hexo post
Display the data of books, movies, musics, games you marked in Douban.
Adds draft tags to isolate markdown text within a post that should be considered as draft
A hexo plugin for using variable in configuration. You can use environment variable in your `_config.yml`
A Hexo plugin that automatically corrects tag names.
encrypt the content of your post(对你的文章内容进行加密)
Encrypt the article body plugin
a feature enhancement plugin for Hexo, includes auto-title, auto-date, auto-categories, auto-tags, auto-abbrlink.
Minify JavaScripts, CSS files via esbuild.
A calendar for Hexo to check daily actions.
automatic excerpt generator
Mark excerpt block in post easily and flexible.
Replace any theme layout file to the custom file.
Add Facebook comments to your posts
A plugin that adds support for featured images in posts and json-content.
RSS, Atom and JSON Feed generator for Hexo static site generator.
A simple plugin which can embed asciinema-player in your article with local file.
Read git log and add the properties `author` and `contributors` for each posts.
Add spaces between CJK characters and western characters.
All in one. Minifier & Optimization plugin for Hexo. Inspired by `hexo-all-minifier` but including more features.
Customize the rendered HTML of Links. 自定义链接渲染后的 HTML 代码。
Read git log and overwrite the front-matter properties `date` and `updated` for each posts.
Extend syntax for the native fenced code block. Use tag-plugins as fenced code block.
A plugin to make convenient to link local posted file in markdown style
Join continuous CJK lines in markdown before rendering.
Generate flowchart diagrams for Hexo.
Github emojis with unicode fallback.
Highlight plugin using highlight.js for Hexo
自动为hexo中的图片映射绝对路径 | Automatically maps absolute paths to images in hexo
Change local img url to picture bed url.
hexo plugin for including other files before any other filter.
Insert informations that can indicate the source of blog posts.
Inlines images, JS, and CSS in HTML for Hexo.
A Hexo plugin that inline your svg in the img tag into HTML file.
Using Kroki.io to render 20+ diagrams at compile time.
Transfer relative post link in markdown file to post link.
All external links to Internal links automatically.
Generate Low-Quality Image Placeholders for lazy loaded images in themes
This is an auto indent based on hexo-renderer-marked. It will work on text tags that are not list tags. When I want to upload, I find that there is already a similar plugin called hexo-filter-text-autospace, so you can also try it.
Server side MathJax renderer plugin for Hexo. No front-end scripts are required.
mermaid diagrams for Hexo.
Add nofollow attribute to all external links automatically.
A hexo plugin that optimize the pages loading speed.
using absolute path for assets
Generate PlantUML Diagram with markdown code fence
Probe and set image sizes in Hexo web pages.
Generate mutliple version of images for responsive blogs.
Generate UML sequence diagrams for Hexo.
Generate subscript (sub) tag for Hexo.
Generate superscript (sup) tag for Hexo.
A hexo plugin to insert spaces between CJK and Latin characters.
Transfer wiki links (based on the title) in Markdown files to permalink. 将基于标题的双向链接转换为 Hexo 设定的永久链接。
A utility function which helps to inline Font Awesome SVG files.
A plugin to support markdown footnotes in your Hexo blog posts
Automatically generate friendly permalink for Hexo.
Front Matter Defaults (like what in Jekyll) for Hexo
Write post excerpts using YAML front matter.
A tag plugin to insert random Mandarin jokes in a post.
Generate alias pages for redirecting to post, pages or URL.
AMP (accelerated mobile pages) page generator plugin for Hexo.
Generate restful json data for Hexo plugins.
Archive generator plugin for Hexo.
Generate alphabetical archive for Hexo.
Generate i18n alphabetical archive for Hexo.
Category generator plugin for Hexo.
Feed generator for Hexo.
Generate paged html fragments for `Index`, `Category` and `Tag` pages, let `Hexo` support elegant ajax pagination.
Github generator for Hexo
Multi-languages pages generator for Hexo
Index generator plugin for Hexo.
Custom index generator plugin for hexo. Can hide posts and pin-top posts.
I18n index generator plugin for Hexo.
Index generator plus for Hexo, including new order attributes like top and updateDate.
Filtered index generator for Hexo
The Hexo plugin publish your posts to GitHub issues..
Generate a JSON file for generic use or consumption with the contents of posts and pages. Useful for AJAX search or content API.
Generate a JSON file similar to RSS feed channel structure with posts contents for generic use or consumption.
Generate a JSON feed as per the jsonfeed.org specification
build a latest post list in a json file. that you can use it for other platforms
Generate MIP specification tags
Generate OpenGraph Images for your every post in Hexo.
A package that generates index, archive, categories and tags pages for Hexo. It supports i18n and index pages for categories and tags.
Generate itunes-friendly podcast rss feed for Hexo.
A Podcast Feed Generator for Hexo with Multiple Podcast Support Feature
Generates a page with an embedded Google map, showing the locations of all geo-tagged posts and pages.
Help you generate a random page to locate a random post in your hexo blog.
Auto generator readme file for hexo blog
Generate a README.md file contains all of blogs posts link.
Hexo package that provides analytics on the read time to review a post. Generates word, character, image, and video counts in the front-matter of the markdown file. Plus provides read-time estimates for given language profile. Supports 42 languages!
Creates a list of recent articles in JSON
Generates additional redirect pages.
Generate RESTful json data for Hexo plugins.
Search data generator for Hexo.
Compressed search data (zip) generator for Hexo.
Yet another search data generator for Hexo with more features.
SEO friendly sitemap generator for Hexo. Generate separated sitemap files for pages, posts, categories, tags and add a XSL stylesheet.
Sitemap generator for Hexo.
A hexo plugin to generate slide html when build / generating hexo project.
Tag generator plugin for Hexo.
borrow taxonomy from hugo
Generate flatten, plain and reusable json data for state manage using.
Top and Index generator plugin for Hexo.
clasify hexo site.pages and create pagination list
Gfycat embedding tag for hexo.
A Hexo plugin that give your post an default author/coauthor from git user name.
Display a card for GitHub profile and repo in your hexo blog post.
Include static listings of files stored on GitHub and convert them to markdown.
A simple and beautiful tag for the GitHub repository.
A plugin for Hexo that adds Gitter to every page.
A generator for Hexo that adds a license statement to every page
A versatile plugin based on ECharts that integrates blog heatmap, monthly statistics chart, category statistics chart, and tag statistics chart.
Hexo plugin for rendering Graphviz plots
Graphviz Tag for Hexo, you can easily use `dot` to generate graphviz graph in your posts.
Postrender your posts with hanzi (漢字標準格式).
为静态资源创建哈希版本 | Create hash versions for static resources
A helper for encryption and decryption using Crypto-js.
Hexo helper plugin for encoding html entities.
Add the Sseexxyyy live2d to your hexo!
Obfuscate strings using html entities. Handy against crawlers.
Hexo helper to get available languages on a page
Hexo helper plugin for including and rendering partial content.
Pin posts on the top of the post list.
QRcode for Hexo helper plugins.
An admin plugin for Hexo.
A plugin to hide specific posts from your Hexo blog and make them only accessible by links.
A hexo tag for inserting highcharts chart in your blog.
A Hexo plugin for highlighting code blocks using shiki.
A webhook plugin for hexo to generate static file when the remote post repository is updated.
set hexo can modfiy .md to html in links. |md链接支持
Minify HTML files with HTMLMinifier.
HTML beautifier for Hexo static site generator.
Download article by url, then conver to post
Minify HTML files with htmlnano.
A lightweight Hexo plugin to minify HTML using htmlnano
use iconify in hexo esaily | 在hexo中使用iconify所有的图标
add caption for images within posts
Use Cloudflare to cache images in Hexo
Convert the markdown image path to asset_img syntax, to make the image display both in typora and hexo.
Generate multiple images sizes (thumbnail, body, etc.) for each source image
Minify images with imagemin.
Toolset to opimize images for Hexo static site generator.
Article image watermark.
Image manipulation for hexo via imagemagick.
Use the imgix API for image manipulation via a tag, filter and helper.
populate post variables from imgur gallery
Include the raw contents of any file (html, text, etc) directly into post contents.
This plugin for Hexo can easily load markdown files in Markdown.
A Hexo helper function to include markdown files that is located in `_source`.
Generate custom indexes
A lightweight SEO (indexnow) plugin. | 一个轻量级的indexnow链接提交插件
A loading plugin with simple effect for hexo.
Simple api serve for Hexo. Can custom allowOrigin. (Build with generator)
Insert Markdown files in your posts or pages. This plugin also allows to include multiple Markdown files from a custom folder.
Small plugin to insert a table of contents (TOC) in Hexo posts and pages.
Displays up to 18 most recent images from your Instagram account
Auto generator readme file for hexo blog from github issues.
Make codeblock support kotlin playground|使代码块支持Kotlin Playground
Hexo-Layout allows users to replace theme partial templates without modifying the theme source code.
lazyload images support for Hexo with IntersectionObserver API.
lazyload images support for Hexo.
Generate gallery using light gallery for Hexo 图片预览 照片墙
LightningCSS Plugin for Hexo.
Convert Obsidian WikiLinks to Markdown format by use obsidian plugin server.
Livereload plugin for Hexo.
A Hexo plugin to automatically generate tags and categories using any OpenAI-compatible model.
Lunar calendar for hexo
A markdown renderer for Hexo based on Lute.
Mahgen plugin for Hexo. | 在 Hexo 中插入由 Mahgen 生成的麻将牌面图案.
A Hexo plugin that can help you view images in both any Markdown editor and Hexo server.
A hexo plugin to add tooltips to your blog posts using tippy. Supporting rich text. This is the markdown-it edition.
Innsert a mindmap by markdown in your hexo blog. 在你的hexo博客中插入思维导图。
Add MathJax support
A medium-like image lazyload plugin.
A hexo plugin to play MIDI files by MIDIjs.
Blogger (blogspot.com) migrator for Hexo.
GithubGist migrator plugin for Hexo.
Github issue migrator for Hexo.
Joomla migrator for Hexo.
RSS migrator for Hexo.
Hexo Migrator plugin for common Web pages
WordPress migrator for Hexo.
A hexo plugin to display minecraft skin by skinview3d | 使用skinview3d展示minecraft皮肤3D模型
Add Minecraft related contents into your blog with simple tag.
Hexo resources compress HTML,CSS,JS | Hexo资源压缩,支持HTML、JS、CSS
Compress CSS with more-css.
Multi author support for Hexo
Multiple Post Author Support for Hexo
A plugin that simplifies the generation and management of multi-language blogs in Hexo. With simple configuration, you can easily generate blogs in different languages. | 一个简化 Hexo 博客多语言生成和管理的插件。通过简单配置,轻松实现不同语言版本博客的生成。
Use popular NanoID to generate abbreviated post links.
Add native lazy load to hexo page as well as optional fallback.
auto Minify html、js、css and make it neat
Yet, another pwa plugin
Notification plugins for Hexo.
the hexo blog post url is displayed as a number.
Hexo plugin to transfer obsidian link to post link
Hexo plugin to transfer obsidian link to post link
embed oEmbed item on your Hexo article.
Out-of-the-box hexo offline experience.
All pages of hexo display the number of visitors.
A hexo plugin to add tooltips to your blog posts using tippy. Supporting rich text. This is the pandoc edition.
Add spaces between CJK characters and western characters.
Partytown Integration for Hexo
Auto load hexo highlight style, support highlight and prismjs
Hexo tag to embed pdf in posts/pages.
A Hexo plugin which convert Chinese title to transliterate permalink.
a fine gallery to exhibit photos in vanilla hexo blog
A masonry layout plugin used on hexo post page
Integrate your Hexo blog with Plausible Analytics
Blog comments based on gitalk implementation
A hexo plugin to extend hexo with helpers to process hierarchy categories
A plugin to show permalinks of posts according to their relative path, like '/dir1/dir2/post3'.
Add read-more button for blog articles, follow WeChat public number to unlock the right to read, achieve the purpose of drainage.
Automatically convert markdown links with post slugs to proper internal URLs.
A plugin for Hexo, which helps to replace words in the posts.
A plugin for code highlight by Prism.js
A blog backend for editing blogs
A plugin make your site as a PWA, can be added to home screen and can work offline
Sync static files to Qiniu CDN for you automatically
Plugin that displays reading time for the article.
Add read-more button for blog articles, streaming blog traffic to wechat official account | 为博客文章添加阅读更多按钮,将博客流量导流到微信公众号
Recommended posts to promote your blog with both internal and external links
A plugin to support markdown footnotes and Wiki-Style tooltip reference in your Hexo blog posts.
A hexo plugin to support simply reference marked and footnotes by markdown. Auto serial number, tooltip, and more
Hexo plugin that renames post files based on title
Pug template renderer for hexo, use pug template language.
Asciidoc renderer plugin for Hexo. It underlying call asciidoctor.js as rendering engine.
ES6 renderer for Hexo with babel & browserify.
An up-to-date node-sass wrapper for Hexo that includes Bourbon mixins.
CoffeeScript renderer for Hexo.
Sass renderer plugin for Hexo (use dartsass instead of libsass)
Djot renderer plugin for hexo.
doT renderer for Hexo.
EJS renderer for Hexo.
EJS renderer for Hexo using EJS version 2.
Haml renderer for Hexo.
Inferno.js JSX renderer for Hexo.
Jade/Pug renderer for Hexo.
React JSX Renderer for Hexo
Markdown renderer for Hexo with kramed engine.
Less renderer for Hexo.
Markdown-it renderer plugin for Hexo.
Very fast Markdown renderer with support for CommonMark, GFM and more.
Very fast Markdown renderer with support for katex, sub, sup, ins, emoji, toc&anchor, deflist, abbr, footnote, mark.
Markdown renderer for Hexo.
A renderer plugin for Hexo based on Markdown-it and auto Minify HTML, CSS, JS.
Mustache renderer for Hexo
Hexo renderer plugin for emacs org-mode.
A pandoc-flavored-markdown renderer for Hexo. Also supports rendering textile, reStructedText, etc.
PostCSS renderer for Hexo.
Renderer for restructuredtext using Docutils
Sass renderer plugin for Hexo.
Sass renderer plugin for Hexo with Bourbon/Neat support.
Sass renderer plugin for Hexo with Typesettings support.
A hexo plugin for node-scss
Stylus renderer for Hexo.
Hexo renderer for typescript files.
Markdown renderer plugin for Hexo - based on Unified.
Webpack renderer for Hexo.
Render Webpack version 4
A Stylus CSS renderer for Hexo that uses Nib, Axis, Rupture, Jeet and Autoprefixer with Sourcemaps.
All in one hexo renderers. Using latest compatible API and dependencies.
This Hexo plugin allows you to display slides created with reveal.js on your blog. Both embedded display and full screen display are possible.
A hexo plugin that can help you create robots.txt file when you build the site.
Ruby character tag for Hexo, like 博客.
Running js html css code in post page
Add a secure redirect intermediate page to your Hexo site's external links. | 给你的 Hexo 网站的外部链接,添加一个安全跳转中间页。
Automated Search Engine Optimizations. Sitemap, Schema JSON/LD, Fix Broken Images, Etc. Demo https://www.webmanajemen.com
Daily automatic submission of urls to Baidu and Google Bing|每天自动提交site url到百度、谷歌、必应
Analyze link and visualize the site structure for Hexo.
Server module for Hexo.
Live reload while source file changed for Hexo.
A plugin using shiki for code highlight,built for hexo.
A Hexo plugin for highlighting code blocks using shiki.
Hexo shortcodes helper. Various shortcodes for hexo, adapted from jekyll.
Simple to use markdown tag import image.
Use simple-icon in your hexo passages.
A Hexo plugin to Slack notify
Generate slide page with reveal.js
Hides content until the reveal area is pressed.
A package for Hexo blogs using the NexT theme, provides image carousel and zoom functionality using Splide.js and medium-zoom libraries.
A tag plugin used to cover your text with shadow
Hexo plugin to display a fund button in page content
Render statistics of hexo poats, categories, and tags into charts
A lightweight and visually appealing Hexo plugin to visualize and analyze your blog’s statistical data.
Generate pages of steam games for Hexo | 为 Hexo 添加 steam 游戏库页面
Disable tag plugins for all markdown posts
Hexo plugin to submit URLs of new posts to Google, Bing, Baidu search engine to improve the quality and speed of website collection.
Generate a powerful ServiceWorker for your website.
Symbols count and time to read for articles.
Retrieve posts and drafts from Google Drive
A hexo tag for rendering abc music notation on your blog posts.
Tag plugin for inserting admonition in your blog.
Apester interactive tag plugin to include in Hexo page/post.
Embed aplayer in Hexo posts/pages.
Embed asciinema into your post
Generates automatically a gallery from provided directory's contents and using given layout.
Embed bilibili videos in Hexo posts/pages.
Embed real-time Bilibili bangumi progress in Hexo posts/pages.
A hexo plugin insert a bilibili video card into your page or article, some of css code is copy from bilibili.
hexo-tag-bootstrap is a collection of Hexo tag plugins, which wraps most Twitter-Bootstrap 4 components in a uniform way.
Insert simple and flexible Chart in Hexo site by using tags.
Yet, another tag cloud plugin for hexo.
A Hexo tag plugin for collapse spoiler, hiding/expanding content | 给页面某些内容添加折叠/展开功能的Tag
Create a color block easily on Hexo
A hexo tag for insert configuration file values to your post/page
A hexo plugin for cPlayer.
A tag plugin to embed Dailymotion video player in your Hexo blog
Tag for showing Deezer track widget on page.
Create a demo area (html, css, javascript) in the post content.
HTML5 details tag on your Hexo article
Douban Tag for Hexo, you can easily add a Douban card of book, movie or music into your posts.
Embed dplayer in Hexo posts/pages.
The easy to use chart tags for Hexo.
A hexo tag for inserting echarts chart in your blog.
A hexo plugin for inserting echarts in your blog, customised versions and types
A simple plugin for inserting ECharts 3 by using tags in Hexo.
Embed tags (Gists, Viemo, jsFiddle, Youtube) for Hexo.
Embed Facebook comments plugin without any modification of theme!
Allows you to embed Flickr photo on your blog posts.
Embed Garmin connect activity in your blog.
glorious-demo tag plugin for Hexo
Inserts an image tag using a github content distribution.
A hexo tag for inserting google charts in your blog
A hexo tag for google maps. Does much more than a simple embedded iFrame
A Hexo tag plugin displaying text hint.
Embed html5 video player and play videos stored in asset_path or elsewhere in public folder for Hexo.
A Hexo tag for inserting arbitrary html tags (with attributes) into posts.
Including code from any website in your Hexo posts.
Embed imgur galleries/albums
A plugin to convert your image url use CDN host.
Embed instagram photo and movie tag plugin for Hexo.
Hexo Tag Plugin to support LaTeX using Katex library.
Displays the keycaps in your post/page.
Add a new tag to integrate leaflet based online maps.
Embed a link preview on your Hexo article.
Force LTR layout direction when used in a mixed RTL and LTR texts.
Insert an interactive map into your Hexo article! Support GoogleMap, Gaode map, Baidu map, Geoq map! A powerful map plugin.
Transfer markdown content to timeline style in your Hexo posts/pages.
Embed media in Hexo posts/pages.
A simple plugin for inserting cPlayer by using tags in Hexo.
Embed a movie card on your Hexo article, used mtime API.
Embed NicoNico seiga/douga in Hexo posts/pages.
Draw UML and other diagrams using the nomnoml syntax.
A Hexo tag plugin for embedding link preview by OpenGraph on article.
With the help of Cloudinary, using smaller looping video as your animated gif is possible.
Publish your post images to AliyunOSS..
A media tag for Hexo 3.x
A Hexo tag for inserting pcloud public links
A hexo tag plugin for image zooming, with a zooming effect similar to Medium.
hexo-tag-plantuml is a tag plugin for Hexo. It can work with plantuml to draw uml.
A Hexo plugin that generates a qrcode image and inserts it into a post.
Force RTL layout direction when used in a mixed RTL and LTR texts.
Easily link Scripture references to Bible Gateway
Embed soundcloud track tag plugin for Hexo.
Server module for Hexo.
Embed steam game in Hexo posts/pages. | 在Hexo博客中嵌入steam游戏。
Embed Strava activity in your blog.
A plugin that you can use swiperjs in Hexo post.
A hexo plugin for inserting youku or tencent video in your site.
Embed 360 photos uploaded to theta360.com in your Hexo generated sites.
Display Trello cards in your Hexo posts/blog
Click to Tweet / Tweetable quotes for Hexo
Hexo tag to embed Image Comparison Slider Scripts. Image Comparison Slider depend on jQuery Twenty Twenty plugin.
Embed twitter tweet tag plugin for Hexo.
Use video.js player in Hexo.
A tag to highlight code using vim
Embed content from Wikipedia.
Embed xvideos player in your posts/pages.
A hexo tag for inserting youku video in your blog.
Hexo tag to embed a Youtube player that auto resizes with your responsive layout with many customization options to control the player.
generate image thumbnails
[EN] A Hexo plugin that helps you quickly create tips for your blog posts. [中文] 一个帮助您快速创建博客文章小贴士的Hexo插件。
Insert a markdown TOC (Table Of Contents) before posts are rendered when and where a placeholder is found.
translate the chinese title of Hexo blog to english words automatially
Auto publish posts and pages on Twitter.
Minify JavaScript files with UglifyJS.
Remove unused styles from CSS with uncss.
enhanced experience of publishing posts
This plug-in helps Hexo create new posts with unique auto-generated paths.
支持在文章中使用 UnoCSS | Support using UnoCSS when writing articles
adding url_image in front-matter, then refer post.url_image in your templates;
Auto submit site URLs to major search engines, including Google, Bing, ShenMa and Baidu, to improve the speed and quality of sites included in search engines. | 自动提交站点URL到百度、谷歌、必应、神马,来提高搜索引擎收录站点的速度和质量。
give your posts an uuid
A simple url card display plugin for hexo
Add a Vtuber or banner to your blog | 添加vtuber/vup横幅card到你的博客
A hexo plugin help you automatically notify readers new post update. | 这个插件帮助你向读者自动推送你最新的文章。
WebP image format browser polyfill for Hexo.
A widget that displays a tree-like menu.
Word Count Plugin for Hexo.
A plugin for giving your app offline caching as a progressive enhancement using service workers.
A hexo plugin to run workbox build. Add PWA support for your site.
Yet Another Minifier. Minify and compress html, js and css. Support gzip and brotli compressions.
Hexo Tag Plugin for html tag . Provide auto pronounciation indication for Jyutping (Cantonese), Zhuyin (Taiwanese Mandarin), and Pinyin (Chinese Mandarin). Support Traditonal and Simplified Chinese characters.