WarningMany plugins and themes are contributed by the community. They are not maintained by Hexo organization. Hexo organization does not guarantee their availability and security.
A simple and minimal hexo resume theme
A beautiful and scalable theme
An attractive, exquisite theme
A theme inspired by zhihu and juejin
A simple, elegant, calm, responsive theme with applause button, math support, and much more.
A lightweight and focus on the theme of the reading experience
A lean and elegant Theme with optimized SEO (Ported)
A free magazine and blog style theme
A cool ,simple & beautiful theme
A Simple and Pure Responsive Theme for Hexo
Keep Calm, Light and Writing, using Vue.js and Typescript
A responsive hexo blog theme, the style was inspired by the earlier stage of Jianshu.com.
A simple & clear & elegant theme
A Simple & Swift Theme for Hexo, designed as its name.
A super simple and elegant theme
Ocean is a mobile-enabled theme based on the features in theme landscape
A simple HEXO theme for couples.
Yet another material design theme
Yet Another Material Theme for Hexo.
Still is a minimal, pure colored theme inspired by farbox and apollo
A simple responsive beautiful theme
Bootstrap 5, Vanilla JavaScript, Dark mode, Bootstrap Icons, Page Counter, jQuery_free
A SIMPLE and CLEAN theme
Bloggy is a simple hexo theme for starting a food blog.
A theme with random fullscreen background image
A responsive paper-like theme
A special yellow Hexo theme, hope you'd like the color and the cute animation.
A refreshing and comfortable theme
A responsive, neat and simple theme
An elegant & Material Design Theme
Featuring an animal-inspired design and supporting RWD mode, with many JS elements used to create dynamic windows for an optimized user experience
Minimalism, simplicity and refined details
A redesign of Alx's wordpress theme Hueman
A simple theme. I hope I can maintain for a long time
A FAQ theme
Transparent theme, with station search
Noise description that no one should read
A responsive starry theme for Hexo.
A Simple & Rich theme for Hexo.
Clean, elegant and beautiful Theme with optimized SEO
Theme. Pure!
A pure and simple Hexo theme
Simple blog theme, focusing on articles
A simple, easy to read flat hexo theme.
A lovely & simple theme for reading.
The next generation of the hexo default theme Landscape.
A Fully Customised Hexo Flat Modular Theme for Bloging and More ...
Fully featured, bootstrap blog
A dark theme
A clean and responsive theme
A simple, concise, and fast theme for Hexo.
Monie a simple and beautiful card theme
A blue-colored theme based on theme Light
An elegant theme for pure reading, thinking and writing
Three sections, simple and convenient, like evernote
A modern and simple theme for Hexo.
A minimalist theme inspired by Apollo, built with Pug and Sass
Text is because they are all text, but the DIY space is very large
A fun, concise, and generous Hexo theme.
A responsive design theme
Medium like, but more awesome
Default theme
Help you create your own cheatsheets.
A google plus like theme
The light version of Cactus Dark, a responsive, light and simple theme for a personal webpage
A simple dark theme, responsive and light
A simple theme
A Theme inspired by DIYgod wordpress theme
A simple, elegant, book-like hexo theme with some useful features.
Another simple and elegant theme by MOxFIVE
A simple block blog style based on a flex layout
Turn your site into a Wiki!
A terminal like hexo theme.
Nothing strange. It's only a theme
A minimal theme
A clean and responsive theme, I call it Burgerking.
A theme that supports free switching between multiple themes for [Hexo].
A light and clean theme
A simple and elegant theme for Hexo.
A simple and elegant theme for hexo.
A material design theme, with dark mode. Suitable for PC & Phone
A simple, delicate, and modern theme