Official plugin hexo-filter-responsive-images 1.4.0, 1.4.1 & hexo-asset-pipeline 1.7.0 Released!!

We released a new version of the official plugins hexo-filter-responsive-images & hexo-asset-pipeline.

hexo-filter-responsive-images 1.4.0 & 1.4.1


Update dependencies

  • update sharp to 0.21 #20
  • update bluebird to 3.5.3 #21


Update dependency

  • update sharp to 0.21.1 #29


  • configuration file follows the new sharp API backward compatibility is preserved though a compilation warning suggests steps to upgrade config file. #25, #26, #27, #28

hexo-asset-pipeline 1.7.0

Update dependency

  • update imagemin-optipng requirement from ^5.2.1 to ^6.0.0 #37