Node.js 帶給您超級快的檔案產生速度,上百個檔案只需幾秒就能建立完成。 Hundreds of files take only seconds to build.
Hexo 支援所有 GitHub Flavored Markdown 的功能,您甚至能在 Hexo 使用大部份的 Octopress 外掛。
您只需要一個指令就能把網站部署到 GitHub Pages, Heroku 或其他網站。
Features powerful APIs for limitless extensibility. Various plugins are available to support most template engines (EJS, Pug, Nunjucks, and many others). Easily integrate with existing NPM packages (Babel, PostCSS, Less/Sass, etc).
Choose from a huge library of spectacular, feature-packed and customizable themes. Create your own using any compatible template engines.
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