
Sometimes you may need to use some data in templates which is not directly available in your posts, or you want to reuse the data elsewhere. For such use cases, Hexo 3 introduced the new Data files. 此功能會載入 source/_data 內的 YAML 或 JSON 檔案,如此一來您便能在網站中使用。

舉例來說,在 source/_data 資料夾中新增 menu.yml 檔案:

Home: /
Gallery: /gallery/
Archives: /archives/


<% for (var link in site.data.menu) { %>
<a href="<%= site.data.menu[link] %>"> <%= link %> </a>
<% } %>

render like this :

<a href="/"> Home </a>
<a href="/gallery/"> Gallery </a>
<a href="/archives/"> Archives </a>