One-Command Deployment

Hexo provides a fast and easy deployment strategy. You only need one single command to deploy your site to your server.

$ hexo deploy

Install the necessary plugin(s) that is compatible with the deployment method provided by your server/repository.

Deployment is usually configured through _config.yml. A valid configuration must have the type field. For example:

type: git

You can use multiple deployers. Hexo will execute each deployer in order.

- type: git
- type: heroku

Refer to the Plugins list for more deployment plugins.


  1. 安裝 hexo-deployer-git
$ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
  1. Edit _config.yml (with example values shown below as comments):
type: git
repo: <repository url> #
branch: [branch]
message: [message]
選項 描述 Default
repo URL of the target repository
branch 分支名稱。 gh-pages (GitHub)
coding-pages (
master (其他)
message Customize commit message. Site updated: {{ now('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }}
token 選填的 token 值用來儲存庫存取身份認證。 以 $ 作為前綴從環境變數中讀取 token
  1. 上傳你的網站。 執行 hexo clean && hexo deploy
  • 你將會被提示提供目標儲存庫的使用者名稱及密碼,除非你用 token 或是 ssh 金鑰進行身份驗證。
  • hexo-deployer-git 不會儲存你的使用者名稱及密碼。 使用 git-credential-cache 來暫時儲存它們。
  1. 在 Github / BitBucket / Gitlab 前往你的儲存庫設定,並將你的主要分支從 master 設為 gh-pages(或者任何你在 _config.yml 中設定的名字)。 The deployed site should be live on the link shown on the “Pages” setting.


安裝 hexo-deployer-heroku

$ npm install hexo-deployer-heroku --save


type: heroku
repo: <repository url>
message: [message]
選項 描述
repo, repository Heroku 儲存庫網址
message 自訂提交訊息 (預設是 Site updated: {{ now('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }})


Netlify provides continuous deployment (Git-triggered builds), an intelligent global CDN, full DNS (including custom domains), automated HTTPS, asset acceleration, and a lot more. It is a unified platform that automates your code to create high-performance, easily maintainable sites and web apps.

There are two different ways to deploy your sites on Netlify. The most common way is to use the web UI. Go to the create a new site page, select your project repo from GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, and follow the prompts.

Alternatively, you can use Netlify’s Node based CLI tool to manage and deploy sites on Netlify without leaving your terminal.

You can also add a Deploy to Netlify Button in your README.file to allow others to create a copy of your repository and be deployed to Netlify via one click.


安裝 hexo-deployer-rsync

$ npm install hexo-deployer-rsync --save


type: rsync
host: <host>
user: <user>
root: <root>
port: [port]
delete: [true|false]
verbose: [true|false]
ignore_errors: [true|false]
選項 描述 Default
host 遠端主機的位址
user 使用者名稱
root 遠端主機的根目錄
port Port 22
delete 刪除遠端主機上的舊檔案 true
verbose Display verbose messages true
ignore_errors 忽略錯誤 false


hexo-deployer-openshift 在 2022 時已被棄用。

安裝 hexo-deployer-openshift

$ npm install hexo-deployer-openshift --save


type: openshift
repo: <repository url>
message: [message]
選項 描述
repo OpenShift 儲存庫網址
message 自訂提交訊息 (預設是 Site updated: {{ now('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }})


安裝 hexo-deployer-ftpsync

$ npm install hexo-deployer-ftpsync --save


type: ftpsync
host: <host>
user: <user>
pass: <password>
remote: [remote]
port: [port]
clear: [true|false]
verbose: [true|false]
選項 描述 Default
host 遠端主機位址
user 使用者名稱
pass 密碼
remote 遠端主機的根目錄 /
port Port 21
clear 在上傳之前,移除遠端目錄中所有檔案及目錄 false
verbose Display verbose messages false


Install hexo-deployer-sftp. Deploys the site via SFTP, allowing for passwordless connections using ssh-agent.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-sftp --save


type: sftp
host: <host>
user: <user>
pass: <password>
remotePath: [remote path]
port: [port]
privateKey: [path/to/privateKey]
passphrase: [passphrase]
agent: [path/to/agent/socket]
Option 描述 Default
host Address of remote host
port Port 22
user Username
pass Password
privateKey Path to a ssh private key
passphrase Optional passphrase for the private key
agent Path to the ssh-agent socket $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
remotePath Root directory of remote host /
forceUpload Override existing files false
concurrency Max number of SFTP tasks processed concurrently 100


Vercel 是一個雲端平台讓開發者可以架設 Jamstack 網站以及網路服務,且可以快速佈署、自動調整大小 (auto scaling),且不須監督、無須設定。 他們提供全球邊緣網路、SSL 加密、資產壓縮、快取無效化等服務。

第一步:新增一個建構腳本至到你的 package.json 檔案:

"scripts": {
"build": "hexo generate"

第二步:佈署你的 Hexo 網站至 Vercel

為了使用 Vercel for Git Integration 佈署你的 Hexo 應用程式,請確認它已推送到 Git 儲存庫中。

使用 Import Flow 輸入專案到 Vercel 中。 在輸入期間,你可以找到所有有關的選項已預先為你進行設定;然而,你可以選擇更改任何選項,你可以在這裡找到選項清單。


Follow the prompts, where you’ll be asked which domain you’d like to deploy to. Bip will detect that you’re using Hexo, and set project settings like the source file directory automatically.

Deploy Vercel


Bip 是一個商業架設服務並提供不斷線佈署,專為靜態網頁提供全球 CDN、SSL、無限頻寬等服務。 提供實支實付 (pay as you go) 的方案,以一個網域為單位。

Getting started is quick and easy, as Bip provides out the box support for Hexo. This guide assumes you already have a Bip domain and Bip CLI installed. This guide assumes you already have a Bip domain and Bip CLI installed.

1: Initialise your project directory

$ bip init

Follow the prompts, where you’ll be asked which domain you’d like to deploy to. Bip will detect that you’re using Hexo, and set project settings like the source file directory automatically.

2: Deploy your website

$ hexo generate —deploy && bip deploy

After a few moments, your website will be deployed.


hexo-deployer-rss3 has been deprecated in 2023.

RSS3 是一個為 Web 3.0 時代的內容和社交網路設計的開放協議。

  1. 安裝 hexo-deployer-rss3

  2. 修改配置。

deploy: # The root configuration block for all deployers
- type: rss3
privateKey: 47e18d6c386898b424025cd9db446f779ef24ad33a26c499c87bb3d9372540ba
deploy: true
gateway: pinata
key: d693df715d3631e489d6
secret: ee8b74626f12b61c1a4bde3b8c331ad390567c86ba779c9b18561ee92c1cbff0
參數 Description
endpoint 一個 RSS3 Hub 的鏈接
privateKey 您的私鑰, 64 字節
ipfs/deploy 是否部署到 IPFS 上
ipfs/gateway IPFS API 網關
ipfs/api/key IPFS 網關相關的驗證內容
ipfs/api/secret IPFS 網關相關的驗證內容
  1. 生成靜態文件

  2. 部署

關於具體部署相關的註意事項,您可以參閱 我們的文檔

Edgio (formerly Layer0)

Edgio (formerly Layer0) is an Internet-scale platform that makes it easy for teams to build, release, protect, and accelerate their web apps and APIs.

  1. In your hexo project directory, install the Edgio CLI:
npm i -g @edgio/cli
  1. Install Hexo connector by Edgio:
edgio init --connector=@edgio/hexo
  1. 預設
edgio deploy


Deploy To Edgio


All generated files are saved in the public folder. You can copy them to wherever you like.