
A generator builds routes based on processed files.


hexo.extend.generator.register(name, function (locals) {
// ...

A locals argument will get passed into the function, containing the site variables. You should use this argument to get the website data, thereby avoiding having to access the database directly.


hexo.extend.generator.register("test", function (locals) {
// Object
return {
path: "foo",
data: "foo",

// Array
return [
{ path: "foo", data: "foo" },
{ path: "bar", data: "bar" },
屬性 描述
path 路徑。 不可包含開頭的 /
data 資料
layout Layout. Specify the layouts for rendering. The value can be a string or an array. If it’s ignored then the route will return data directly.

在原始檔案更新時,Hexo 會執行所有產生器並重建路由,請直接回傳資料,不要直接操作路由Please return the data and do not access the router directly.


Archive Page

archives/index.html 建立一彙整頁面,把所有文章當作資料傳入模板內,這個資料也就等同於模板中的 page 變數。 We pass all posts as data to the templates. This data is equivalent to the page variable in templates.

Next, set the layout attribute to render with the theme templates. We’re setting two layouts in this example: if the archive layout doesn’t exist, the index layout will be used instead.

hexo.extend.generator.register("archive", function (locals) {
return {
path: "archives/index.html",
data: locals,
layout: ["archive", "index"],

Archive Page with Pagination

您可透過 hexo-pagination 這個方便的官方工具程式來輕鬆建立分頁彙整。

var pagination = require("hexo-pagination");

hexo.extend.generator.register("archive", function (locals) {
// hexo-pagination makes an index.html for the /archives route
return pagination("archives", locals.posts, {
perPage: 10,
layout: ["archive", "index"],
data: {},

Generate All Posts

遍歷 locals.posts 中的所有文章並產生所有文章的路由。

hexo.extend.generator.register("post", function (locals) {
return locals.posts.map(function (post) {
return {
path: post.path,
data: post,
layout: "post",


這次不直接在 data 中傳回資料而是傳回一個函數,如此一來這個路由唯有在使用時才會建立 fs.ReadStream

var fs = require("hexo-fs");

hexo.extend.generator.register("asset", function (locals) {
return {
path: "file.txt",
data: function () {
return fs.createReadStream("path/to/file.txt");