
在 Hexo 中,有兩個方法可用於渲染檔案或字串,分別是非同步的 hexo.render.render 和同步的 hexo.render.renderSync,這兩個方法的使用方式十分類似,因此以下僅舉非同步的 hexo.render.render 為例。 Unsurprisingly, the two methods are very similar so only the asynchronous hexo.render.render will be further discussed in the below paragraphs.


在渲染字串時,您必須指定 engine,如此一來 Hexo 才知道該選擇哪個渲染引擎來渲染。

hexo.render.render({ text: "example", engine: "swig" }).then(function (result) {
// ...


在渲染檔案時,您無須指定 engine,Hexo 會自動從副檔名猜測所要使用的渲染引擎,當然您也可使用 engine 指定。 Of course, you are also allowed to explicitly define the engine.

hexo.render.render({ path: "path/to/file.swig" }).then(function (result) {
// ...


You can pass in an options object as the second argument.

hexo.render.render({ text: "" }, { foo: "foo" }).then(function (result) {
// ...

after_render 過濾器

在渲染完成後,Hexo 會自動執行相對應的 after_render 過濾器,舉例來說,我們可透過這個功能實作 JavaScript 壓縮。 For example, we can use this feature to implement a JavaScript minifier.

var UglifyJS = require("uglify-js");

hexo.extend.filter.register("after_render:js", function (str, data) {
var result = UglifyJS.minify(str);
return result.code;


您可透過 isRenderableisRenderableSync 兩個方法檢查檔案路徑是否可被渲染,只有在相對應的渲染器(renderer)已註冊的情況下才會返回 true。 Only when a corresponding renderer has been registered will this method return true.

hexo.render.isRenderable("layout.swig"); // true
hexo.render.isRenderable("image.png"); // false

Get the Output Extension

Use the getOutput method to get the extension of the rendered output. If a file is not renderable, the method will return an empty string.

hexo.render.getOutput("layout.swig"); // html
hexo.render.getOutput("image.png"); // '''

Disable Nunjucks tags

If you are not using a tag plugin and want to use {{ }} or {% %} in your post without using content escaping, you can disable processing of Nunjucks tag in existing renderer by:

// following example only applies to '.md' file extension
// you may need to cover other extensions, e.g. '.markdown', '.mkd', etc
const renderer = hexo.render.renderer.get("md");
if (renderer) {
renderer.disableNunjucks = true;
hexo.extend.renderer.register("md", "html", renderer);