
A helper makes it easy to quickly add snippets to your templates. We recommend using helpers instead of templates when you’re dealing with more complicated code.

Helpers can not be accessed from source files.


hexo.extend.helper.register(name, function () {
// ...


hexo.extend.helper.register("js", function (path) {
return '<script src="' + path + '"></script>';
<%- js('script.js') %>
// <script src="script.js"></script>


定制 helper 應該放在哪裡?

放置在 scripts/themes/<yourtheme>/scripts/ 資料夾內。

如何在我的定制 helper 中使用另外一個已經註冊的 helper?

All helpers are executed in the same context. All helpers are executed in the same context. For example, to use url_for() inside a custom helper:

hexo.extend.helper.register("lorem", function (path) {
return '<script src="' + this.url_for(path) + '"></script>';

如何在其他插件中使用已經註冊的 helper?

hexo.extend.helper.get 會返回一個指定名字的 helper,但是你還需要一個 bind(hexo),就像這樣:

const url_for = hexo.extend.helper.get("url_for").bind(hexo);