
To create a new post or a new page, you can run the following command:

$ hexo new [layout] <title>

post is the default layout, but you can supply your own. You can change the default layout by editing the default_layout setting in _config.yml.


Hexo 有三種預設佈局:postpagedraft,它們分別對應不同的路徑,而您所自定的其他佈局和 post 相同,都儲存至 source/_posts 資料夾。 Files created by each of them is saved to a different path. Newly created posts are saved to the source/_posts folder.

標題 路徑
post source/_posts
page source
draft source/_drafts
Disabling layout

If you don’t want an article (post/page) to be processed with a theme, set layout: false in its front-matter. Refer to this section for more details. Refer to this section for more details.


By default, Hexo uses the post title as its filename. 您可以在指令中指定文章的佈局(layout),預設為 post,您可以透過修改 _config.yml 中的 default_layout 設定來指定預設佈局。 For example, :year-:month-:day-:title.md will prefix filenames with the post creation date. You can use the following placeholders:

Placeholder 描述
:title Post title (lower case, with spaces replaced by hyphens)
:year Created year, e.g. 2015
:month Created month (leading zeros), e.g. 04
:i_month Created month (no leading zeros), e.g. 4
:day Created day (leading zeros), e.g. 07
:i_day Created day (no leading zeros), e.g. 7


Previously, we mentioned a special layout in Hexo: draft. Posts initialized with this layout are saved to the source/_drafts folder. You can use the publish command to move drafts to the source/_posts folder. publish works in a similar way to the new command.

$ hexo publish [layout] <title>

Drafts are not displayed by default. 草稿預設不會顯示於頁面中,您可在執行時加上 --draft 選項,或是把 render_drafts 設定改為 true 來預覽草稿。


在建立文章時,Hexo 會根據 scaffolds 資料夾內相對應的檔案來建立檔案,例如: For example:

$ hexo new photo "My Gallery"

在執行這行指令時,Hexo 會嘗試在 scaffolds 資料夾中找尋 photo.md,並根據其內容建立文章,以下是您可在鷹架中使用的變數: The following placeholders are available in scaffolds:

Placeholder 描述
layout 佈局(Layout)
title 標題
date 檔案建立日期

Supported Formats

Hexo support posts written in any format, as long as the corresponding renderer plugin is installed.

For example, Hexo has hexo-renderer-marked and hexo-renderer-ejs installed by default, so you can write your posts in markdown or in ejs. If you have hexo-renderer-pug installed, then you can even write your post in pug template language. If you have hexo-renderer-pug installed, then you can even write your post in pug template language.

You can rename your posts and change to file extension from .md to .ejs, then Hexo will use hexo-renderer-ejs to render that file, so do the other formats.