Tag plugins are different from post tags. ปลั๊กอินแท็กจะแตกต่างกับแท็กโพสต์ ปลั๊กอินแท็กนั้นยืมมาจาก Octopress และสนับสนุนวิธีท่ีเพิ่มเนื้อหาเฉพาะไปถึงโพสต์ของตนได้อย่างรวดเร็ว
Although you can write your posts in any formats, but the tag plugins will always be available and syntax remains the same.
Tag plugins should not be wrapped inside Markdown syntax, e.g. []({% post_path lorem-ipsum %})
is not supported.
Block Quote
Perfect for adding quotes to your post, with optional author, source and title information.
นามแฝง: การอ้างอิง
{% blockquote [author[, source]] [link] [source_link_title] %} |
การอ้างอิงท่ีไม่มี argument Plain blockquote.
{% blockquote %} |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit lacus ut purus iaculis feugiat. Sed nec tempor elit, quis aliquam neque. Curabitur sed diam eget dolor fermentum semper at eu lorem.
{% blockquote David Levithan, Wide Awake %} |
Do not just seek happiness for yourself. Seek happiness for all. Through kindness. Through mercy.
การอ้างอิงจาก Twitter
{% blockquote @DevDocs https://twitter.com/devdocs/status/356095192085962752 %} |
NEW: DevDocs now comes with syntax highlighting. http://devdocs.io
{% blockquote Seth Godin http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2009/07/welcome-to-island-marketing.html Welcome to Island Marketing %} |
Every interaction is both precious and an opportunity to delight.
Code Block
คุณลักษณะท่ีมีส่วนช่วยในการเพิ่ม code snippet ไปถึงโพสต์ของตน
นามแฝง: code
{% codeblock [title] [lang:language] [url] [link text] [additional options] %} |
Specify additional options in option:value
format, e.g. line_number:false first_line:5
Extra Options | Description | Default |
line_number |
Show line number | true |
line_threshold |
Only show line numbers as long as the numbers of lines of the code block exceed such threshold. | 0 |
highlight |
Enable code highlighting | true |
first_line |
Specify the first line number | 1 |
mark |
Line highlight specific line(s), each value separated by a comma. Specify number range using a dash Example: mark:1,4-7,10 will mark line 1, 4 to 7 and 10. |
wrap |
Wrap the code block in <table> |
true |
ซี้ภาษาท่ีได้ใช้ของ code block นั้น
{% codeblock %} |
alert('Hello World!'); |
Specifying the language
{% codeblock lang:objc %} |
[rectangle setX: 10 y: 10 width: 20 height: 20]; |
เพิ่มแคปชั่นไปถึง code block
{% codeblock Array.map %} |
array.map(callback[, thisArg]) |
เพิ่มแคปชั่นและ URL ไปถึง code block
{% codeblock _.compact http://underscorejs.org/#compact Underscore.js %} |
\_.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]); => [1, 2, 3] |
Backtick Code Block
มันเหมือนกันกับการใช้ code block แต่จำกัดจำนวน block โดยใช้ backtick สามอัน
``[language] [title] [url] [link text] code snippet ``Pull Quote
เพิ่ม pull quote ไปถึงโพสต์ของคุณ
{% pullquote [class] %} |
jsFiddle (deleted in v7.0.0
The tag was removed in Hexo 7.0.0. We have provided a plugin hexo-tag-embed for backward compatibility with your existing posts.
เสียบ jsFiddle snippet เข้า:
{% jsfiddle shorttag [tabs] [skin] [width] [height] %} |
Gist (deleted in v7.0.0
Please use hexo-tag-embed instead if you use
เสียบ Gist snippet เข้า:
{% gist gist_id [filename] %} |
เสียบ iframe เข้า:
{% iframe url [width] [height] %} |
{% img [class names] /path/to/image [width] [height] '"title text" "alt text"' %} |
เสียบลิงก์ท่ีมี attribute ว่า target="_blank"
{% link text url [external] [title] %} |
Include Code
เสียบ code snippet เข้าไปใน folder source/downloads/code
: The folder location can be specified through the code_dir
option in the config.
{% include_code [title] [lang:language] [from:line] [to:line] path/to/file %} |
Embed the whole content of test.js
{% include_code lang:javascript test.js %} |
Embed line 3 only
{% include_code lang:javascript from:3 to:3 test.js %} |
Embed line 5 to 8
{% include_code lang:javascript from:5 to:8 test.js %} |
Embed line 5 to the end of file
{% include_code lang:javascript from:5 test.js %} |
Embed line 1 to 8
{% include_code lang:javascript to:8 test.js %} |
YouTube (deleted in v7.0.0
Please use hexo-tag-embed instead if you use
เสียบวิดีโอ YouTube เข้า:
{% youtube video_id [type] [cookie] %} |
Embed a video
{% youtube lJIrF4YjHfQ %} |
Embed a playlist
{% youtube PL9hW1uS6HUfscJ9DHkOSoOX45MjXduUxo 'playlist' %} |
Enable privacy-enhanced mode
YouTube’s cookie is not used in this mode.
{% youtube lJIrF4YjHfQ false %} |
Vimeo (deleted in v7.0.0
Please use hexo-tag-embed instead if you use
เสียบวิดีโอ Vimeo ท่ีมีขนาดเฉพาะหรือไม่ได้บ่งชีิขนาดให้ชั้ดเจนเข้า:
{% vimeo video_id [width] [height] %} |
Include Posts
รวมลิงก์ของโพสต์อื่นๆเข้าไปใน block:
{% post_path filename %} |
เวลาใช้แท็กนี้ ข้อมูล permalink และ folder เช่น ภาษาและวันเดือนปี จะถูกละเลย
ยกตัวอย่างเช่น: {% post_link how-to-bake-a-cake %}
โพสต์ท่ีมีชื่อว่า how-to-bake-a-cake.md
จะ render ได้แม้ว่าโพสต์นั้นจะอยู่ใน folder source/posts/2015-02-my-family-holiday
และมี permalink เป็น 2018/en/how-to-bake-a-cake
You can customize the text to display, instead of displaying the post’s title.
Post’s title and custom text are escaped by default. You can use the escape
option to disable escaping.
{% post_link hexo-3-8-released %}
โชว์ text ท่ีตั้งค่าด้วยตน
{% post_link hexo-3-8-released 'Link to a post' %}
Escape title.
{% post_link hexo-4-released 'How to use <b> tag in title' %} |
Do not escape title.
{% post_link hexo-4-released '<b>bold</b> custom title' false %} |
Include Assets
Include post assets, to be used in conjunction with post_asset_folder
{% asset_path filename %} |
Embed image
hexo-renderer-marked 3.1.0+ can (optionally) resolves the post’s path of an image automatically, refer to this section on how to enable it.
“foo.jpg” is located at http://example.com/2020/01/02/hello/foo.jpg
Default (no option)
{% asset_img foo.jpg %}
<img src="/2020/01/02/hello/foo.jpg" /> |
Custom class
{% asset_img post-image foo.jpg %}
<img src="/2020/01/02/hello/foo.jpg" class="post-image" /> |
Display size
{% asset_img foo.jpg 500 400 %}
<img src="/2020/01/02/hello/foo.jpg" width="500" height="400" /> |
Title & Alt
{% asset_img foo.jpg "lorem ipsum'dolor'" %}
<img src="/2020/01/02/hello/foo.jpg" title="lorem ipsum" alt="dolor" /> |
url_for (7.0.0+)
Returns a url with the root path prefixed. Output is encoded automatically.
{% url_for text path [relative] %} |
_config.yml |
{% url_for blog index.html %} |
<a href="/blog/index.html">blog</a> |
Relative link, follows relative_link
option by default e.g. post/page path is ‘/foo/bar/index.html’
_config.yml |
{% url_for blog index.html %} |
<a href="../../index.html">blog</a> |
You could also disable it to output a non-relative link, even when relative_link
is enabled and vice versa.
{% url_for blog index.html false %} |
<a href="/index.html">blog</a> |
full_url_for (7.0.0+)
Returns a url with the config.url
prefixed. Output is encoded automatically.
{% full_url_for text path %} |
_config.yml |
{% full_url_for index /a/path %} |
<a href="https://example.com/blog/a/path">index</a> |
ถ้าเนื้อหาใน block ก้อนให้เกิด issue สำหรับการ render โพสต์ของคุณ กรุณาห่อด้วยแท็ก raw
{% raw %} |
Post Excerpt
text ท่ีวางก่อนแท็ก <!-- more -->
จะถือเป็นส่วนที่ตัดตอนมาจากโพสต์ excerpt:
value in the front-matter, if specified, will take precedent.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. |